And with that first hammer swing to remove the first tile, my project was on. I told my wife, "I don't see why I couldn't be done with this by Fall Break." She lovingly accepted my confidence, but after 19 years of marriage, she knew to mentally add six months to my optimistic estimate. I chipped tile, pulled out carpet, hauled the wreckage to the dumpster, begged my friend Stan to help, cut my leg with broken tile, filled the house with tile dust, and sweated like there was no tomorrow. The first hour of the project was complete!
Every day off, every weekend, and many an evening was devoted to this project. Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. I was like a machine:
- Move the furniture out.
- Install the new floor.
- Add felt pads to the bottom of the furniture.
-Move the furniture in.
- Repeat ad nauseam.
At work, people asked me what I was doing for the weekend. "Working on the flooring project," I'd say, to which they responded, "Still?"
By Fall Break I had finished the downstairs. Guests, travel plans, and holidays then put a two month hiatus on the flooring, so my saws were put back in the garage, the sawdust was cleaned up, and life was as normal as it ever can be in this house.
Then, the day after New Year's Day, I began again with renewed vigor. Of course when I started with my girls' room, we decided that while the flooring was pulled out we might as well paint. So we slowed things down just enough to give the girls a minor makeover.
And then something magical happened. In the beginning of March, I cut and installed the final piece. Nine months after starting, every square inch of flooring in our house had been replaced. I was done.
And hopefully this flooring will last as long as I'm expecting so I don't have to spend another nine months replacing it.

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